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Sensitive Teeth

Do you suffer from a painful sensation in your teeth whenever you drink or eat? If so, you are probably wondering why you have tooth sensitivity and how you can treat it. Thankfully, CVS offers a myriad of products that can ease this problem. Sensitive teeth can mean a lot of things. Some people may only experience a very mild twinge, while others suffer from severe discomfort that can drag on for hours. Sensitive teeth can also be a warning sign of a serious dental health problem. A lot of people suffer from sensitive teeth. However, it is more common in people aged 20 to 40. It is also possible for teenagers to experience this problem, as well as those over 70 years old. Women are also more prone to tooth sensitivity than men.

Why Do My Teeth Hurt?

Your teeth hurt because the nerves in the root of your tooth are exposed, or the nerve surrounding a tooth is irritated. Aside from that, tooth sensitivity can also happen if your tooth enamel has worn away.

What Causes Sensitivity In Teeth?

There are many reasons that cause tooth sensitivity. For instance, it can happen due to toothbrush abrasion when you brush your teeth too hard. This is common for people who brush from side to side since it can cause your tooth enamel to get worn, and the exposed dentin will cause sensitivity. Another reason is the loss of tooth enamel or dental erosion caused by acid from acidic food. Tooth sensitivity can also happen if your gums recede or if you have gum disease and tartar buildup. People who grind their teeth or have cracked fillings can also suffer from tooth sensitivity.

What Helps Sensitive Teeth?

The best way to deal with sensitive teeth is to visit your dentist and seek help. Medical professionals will usually advise you to use toothpaste that is designed to treat tooth sensitivity. This is also very beneficial for symptom relief. Your dentist may also recommend you to stick to soft toothbrushes or use a mouthguard.

How to Treat Sensitive Teeth

Any dental problem that is causing you discomfort should get checked by a dentist. If you keep pushing back your dental appointment, your problem will only get worse. There are specialized products you can use to make tooth sensitivity symptoms go away. Visit the CVS store in your area to shop for tooth sensitivity relief products.